Thursday, October 04, 2007

Punishing myself...

ok, so...I procrastinate. My clothes get washed when I'm out of underwear & dishes only when I've run out of cutlery and even then not all of my dishes get done. (no food residue worries about mould) Don't even ask about my taxes!

I'm also involved in swaps. Now, I'm rarely very late with my swaps and I'm often early, swap-bot is good for that (gentle email reminders...the threat of a bad rating). I have learned which ones to avoid no matter how tempting they may be initially. There was however one swap that was clearly an optimistic one for me to be involved with. I did finish, late but in the nick of time for its purpose (September calendar pages - 13 in total!) While I was stressing out over design & action & redesign ad nauseum I felt so guilty that I completed avoided the swap organizer's blog. It's such a lovely blog too, with great photos, craft ideas and a writing style that makes me feel at home. This swap had a looong lead time so I missed almost a half a year of her blog!

Another blog I avoided simply because she was also involved in the swap! And her blog has the most stunning pictures whether of gorgeous Japanese scenery or of German/Japanese combined crafts.

The silliest reason for avoiding a blog, which I've been reading since blogging entered my consciousness, is that I intended to send a book to the blogger in question around Easter. Time passed and passed (a letter had even been written!) but it's still waiting. I happened on to her ever-entertaining blog the other day and realized I hadn't been there in about three months! I didn't even consciously plan to punish myself this time.
Does anyone else do this?? Or am I unique in my masachism?
Oh & about my taxes? I banned myself from beading & buying beads back in 2002 to encourage myself to get on them. I've been beading again only in the last few months... (and I probably shouldn't be!)
*...and about the procrastinating?? I wrote this on October 4th...let it sit for awhile because I was unsure that I really should publish it. I let it sit almost two months!! I can't even blame it on Ravelry, (tho I probably could blame it on Facebook.)
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