Friday, June 19, 2009

mind-blowing, these-are-so-incredibly-cool(!!) socks

My mother mentioned that she would like some ankle socks. Freshly finished the army socks, with such appreciation, I decided to attack it head on. I happened to find a copy of Gerdine Crawford-Strong's Lace socks pattern on my computer that I had downloaded from Knitter's Magazine. It looked intriguing and it quickly took over my brain.

This is the first sock I made that was different. Very different. Most of it was done on two needles. There's picking up and increasing and decreasing and holy cow I couldn't think of anything else!

All I could think about while knitting these socks was knitting more of these socks.

Mom likes them too. She thinks they're pretty cool but still won't take up four needles, even for the short time you need all four.

As for me - I can't wait for the next pair!
National Capital Knitters
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