My knitting time lately has been reasonably steady and I've been getting lots done. This is the back of my
Central Park Hoodie...
I've used up one of my seven balls of yarn so far - Diamond Galway Heather in a forest green. The yarn was a Christmas gift from my father (well...the gift certificate he gave me was used for this yarn) and it's lovely. I'm having a lot of fun knitting this sweater and I'm amazed at how quickly it's progressing! I've never knit a sweater before so I guess I was expecting a slow process. The pattern isn't very complicated but I'm not quite bored with it yet. I joined the
KAL to help me stay motivated. We'll see how I am by the time I start the second sleeve!
I have no idea why I'm knitting this scarf. It isn't intended for anyone in particular, there's no deadline. I just wanted to try this pattern.
I've been thinking about doing a lace shawl so I wanted a smaller project to practice. But this is much more of a lace knit than knitted lace. Ah well, it's still pretty in it's orange-cream, alpaca goodness. I'm actually stashbusting! This
Noble Collection by Michell 90% alpaca was one of those yarns I just bought just because it was cheap and it was alpaca.
It's nice to not have a deadline. I'm just working on one ten-row pattern repeat a day. I find it's good to switch from the constant stockinette stitch of the hoodie - keeps both sides of my brain working, I guess.
So all that rambling just to introduce this lonely, forgotten sock:
It is the start of the snowflake socks I'm making for an exchange with Miss Twiss. I like the pattern; I love the yarn (KnitPicks Gloss), but I don't know that the yarn & pattern like each other. I was expecting a lacy sock but what I've got so far looks really woolly, if that makes sense. I wonder if using a different needle size (larger?) or fewer stitches will make it better.
Here it is stretched on my arm to just under my elbow. Not too lacy. I may just start it over again. All ideas welcome...