Saturday, March 25, 2006

I never though blogging would be this expensive!

Something has been in my mind interesting can reading about knitting be without images?

Sure, I can write about the scarf I finally finished for my boyfriend [black, straight knitting, was bored & getting impatient with it only because I set aside my tank top to finish it]

or I could describe how that tank top is coming along (back finished, the ribbing on the front finished, and one strap started) or how cool the split strap is, and how I'm able to knit it with both strands of the same ball of yarn so it's kind of trippy because it's one continuous piece.

I could, I suppose, even show you a picture of a pattern I'm working on, if I'm lucky enough to find it online like this keyhole scarf I made for myself last year. The only reason this is interesting is because the lady at the post office saw mine (which is longer and narrower than the pattern, but I can't show you that either) and asked me how much I would charge her to make her a couple. So I've now got a commision for two scarves. What's more exciting is that I found a different eyelash yarn with more vibrant colours that costs less - elle Plume.

But I can't really show you those things yet. So after a couple days research and deliberation I'm going out right now to buy a digital camera.

The things I do for this blog! :)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Obsess Much?

I finally received the Hashiwokakero puzzle book I ordered from Japan last month! I had to pry the envelope out of my mailbox but it was SO worth it! A hundred puzzles, easy-medium-hard, HOURS of fun for me. [I'm such a geek it almost makes me sick] :)

Somehow, roaming through the land of blog, I stumbled into the world of swapping. (NO, not that kind of swapping!) People are creating postal swaps that anyone can sign up for and it's geared to crafters, bloggers and community-creating folks. Anything from mixed CD's to handmade stationary to knits to leftover yarn! What a wonderful idea. I have since started checking Swap-Bot more than daily to check out the new swaps, and consider which swaps I'd like to be involved with and which ones I can afford right now. I haven't even fully participated in a swap and I'm hooked! Tomorrow I get my first address for the leftover yarn swap. I can't wait!

And Threadbared, ah sweet Threadbared. [If you haven't already discovered their site you really, really, really need to check out their site!] Not only do I hook into that site daily (well...twice a week anyway...maybe I'm getting better!) BUT today I found a pattern while thriftshopping that they need to review. So I bought it. Hopefully I can get it to them somehow. Stay tuned!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Knit three together...

I finished the back of my tanktop Thursday evening!

I can't believe it's coming together so quickly. I'm so excited to finish that piece...I wish I had a digital camera to show proof. (maybe soon - check back for a photo update) I just hope the front piece matches it. I did have to fix the pattern to make it work out, but I'm pretty good with numbers so it wasn't a big problem.

That's the kind of knitter I am, I guess. I like thinking mathematically and spacially, and playing with numbers has been known to make me giddy at times. [I can lose HOURS doing sudoku, kakuro and my newest obsession...hashiwokakero] and one of the things that keeps me coming back to knitting is seeing how the patterns come together, and realizing how a purl stitch is just a reversed knit stitch.

How amazing is it that people discovered how to turn a sock heel? When I made socks last year I watched almost in awe as the heel appeared, almost on its own. And to think that people all over the world figured it out independantly. Wow.

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