Friday, September 15, 2006

I'd Like to Thank the Academy...

...and Cookie, for hosting such a wonderful contest

...and the gods of fibre, who were surely watching over me as I was writing my post

...and Blogger which allowed me to upload photos without trouble and did not crash my computer

...and my boyfriend, who encouraged me to take as much time as I needed (away from him) to work on my entry

...but mostly, to

I promise to use my prize in projects that best suit the respective skeins of yarn, in projects that are created with love and reflect the wonderment of knitting and, most of all, I promise to not let this prize gather dust on the shelves (or in my stash) like some silly statue.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Hokum & Hosiery

Insomuch as I could never forswear the temptation of a complimentary allotment of plaited filament, whether gossamer or lofty, presented herewith is my proffered submission.

Acquiesce, if you please, to a laconic occasion of toadyism to the adroit architect of filigree coverings for the terminal part of the lower extremities, designated for that baked confection loved by both progeny and forebears alike - Cookie.

Herewith I shall unveil my most contemporary stockinette (behold the witticism!) accomplishments:

Scrutinize a solitary Pomatamus on the portside and on t'other...a Beaudelaire!

To further flaunt the particulars...

And so goes this strumpet of texture forthwith into the witching hour with the gratification that she put forth a superlative travail to acquire additional fiber as well as the recognition that she should subsequently attempt to consummate the completion of the aforementioned complement of extremity coverings.

Saturday, September 09, 2006


A rare species, found only in select dorm rooms at Trent University, the Trentasaurus is known to provide comfort for homesickness. He is also a good listener and inspires creativity whether for party plans or last-minute papers. People adopted as a colleague by these creatures are truly fortunate and are sure to lead a charmed life.

(Good luck Julia!)

Thursday, September 07, 2006

What's my Blogger password again?

Been awhile, huh?

August seemed to be more of a planning than knitting month. I'm terribly behind in my Sock-a-Month KAL; as I highly doubt that two different socks would count as a pair. In hindsight, starting two different socks at the same time and racing them is not the best idea. Suprisingly the pomatomus won. I didn't enjoy the pattern the first time around but then I understood the math of it, got hooked, and could not put it down. The yarn was tastier too. After I finished the first pomatomus the beaudelaire just flew by! What a fun & quick lace pattern - memorized in record time. [pictures to follow soon...second socks to follow soon too, if all goes well!]

As for plans, I've been working on the sock pattern for Kurt; something to do with ribs & cables - of my own design! Also - planning Christmas gifts, planning architecturally-based lace patterns, and maybe, finally, a sweater for me!

Stay tuned...
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